When robotics companies are looking for gear solutions for their robotic arms, they will often hear the zero backlash claim. But what exactly does that mean and why is it important? There are very distinct reasons for gear solution providers to work towards zero backlash in their engineering and development efforts. What it means to […]
Guest Blog: Innovation That Sparks Innovation – AI, AMRs and Cooperative Robotics
All of these technologies are driving Industry 4.0. The Awareness Applications for high-resolution, low-cost servo motors and the systems to operate and control them are 3D printing and drones. The Awareness Application for high torque density motors is electric vehicles. Combine these, and you have Autonomous Guided Vehicles and Articulated Cooperative Robots.
TRENDS: 2021 & Beyond
We wanted to share an article, recently posted from RIA, Robotics Industries Association. It provides an excellent overview of 2021 and beyond for robotics and automation in various industry sectors, and how the pandemic helped to put robotics and automation in the forefront.